i heart u
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On a visit to Taiwan with my family, we were perusing the wonders of the night market.  I spotted these jelly shoes and squealed the way a shoe-loving girl squeals at the sight of fun shoes.  My Mother thought I was nuts.  However, my Mother loves me and still treats me like I am five when we are together.  (I am well into my 30s...)  So she did her bargaining thing and bought me these shoes for a steal.
Turns out they cause women of all ages (four to 70+ so far...) to squeal with delight.  Strangers have gone out of their way to approach me and comment on my shoes. 

I should have bought ten more pairs...

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Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim has a Photo a Day project.  What a great excuse to snap a fun photo each day.  Join in the fun!